Today, I went back to the walk in clinic at the urging of several friends and family members. To give you a little follow up, I went to the same clinic 12 days ago and was prescribed a 10 day course of antibiotics. After finishing the full course of antibiotics and not feeling any better, I followed their urgings and returned. The MD staffing the walk-in today is NOT my favorite. I always leave feeling that he had a preconceived notion of my ailment or rather lack of ailment and viewed my complaints through this scope. He decided that the reason I am so fatigued is due to stress. He questioned me about whether or not I had any additional stress in my life. I said not any more than usual, which compared to a significant number of people is very minimal. I do not feel like stress is what is causing me to have this extreme fatigue... seriously, I've been sleeping probably 12-14 hours a day(I normally sleep 6-7 hours/day). I do not feel well. I just want to feel better and I want someone to listen to me. I don't know what to do about all that, but I try to glean some sort of wisdom/insight from every situation. Today, this is what I take from all this mess.
I resolve to listen to others. Not the half-hearted mmmm-hmmm...... oh really?...... Yeah... type of listening where 99.9% of my brain is engaged in other activities, thoughts and plans. I mean to really listen... to hear their pain, joy, sorrow, fear, regrets, stress, etc. I'm usually fairly good at listening, but I think I do have room for improvement.
I resolve to have more compassion for others. This is something I have faced several times recently... lack of compassion. People just expecting me to keep on going, because they think I'm just over-reacting or something. If someone says they are sick, I resolve to believe them. I will do my best not to minimize other's feelings, situations, fears, regrets, no matter if their situation is born of their decisions.
I resolve to care.
I resolve to be kind
I resolve to be stronger.
I resolve to never, ever go to the walk-in clinic again, especially if Dr. Murphy is working.