Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Monday!!!

Monday is my favorite day (of the WEEK, this does not include the weekend ;)).  It's just so pregnant with expectation and possibilities.  The first day of the week (in my mind Sunday is part of the weekend), it's like a new beginning, a fresh start. So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite things on my favorite day.

>I absolutely adore summer... August is my favorite month.  I'm pretty sure that I'm going to take as much of my vacation next year in August as allowable.
>I think the temperature outdoors should always exceed 50*F... I like the nice warm weather... 85*F is ideal!
>My favorite color is the color of a dusky summer sky... where the sky shades from dark murky blue to the palest tinge of yellow.  This color is called summer twilight.  I also like greens, blues and charcoal... with a little pink thrown in for good measure.
>FEBREZE!!! I am addicted to this product line... candles, fabric softener, laundry detergent, freshening spray, air fresheners, plug-ins, bathroom cleaner... seriously... I may need help.
>Going barefoot.  Just another summer pleasure.  :) Walking barefoot, especially in grass, transports me instantly back to my childhood.  It makes me feel carefree and jubilant.
>I am learning to play guitar and I simply <3 it.  I love music and singing.  In my mind, everyone should sing.  Music is like therapy.  My love for music baffles me somewhat, since I'm such a visual person.  I simply cannot explain how it makes me feel when a song perfectly describes my mood and emotions perfectly.  Songwriters are my heroes... painting mental pictures with their clever lyrics.
>I like words... I remember in school, I always dreaded using the dictionary... now I wonder why.  Sometimes, I read the dictionary for fun.
>Really, I'm just an overgrown kid that enjoys blowing dandelion seeds.  Dandelions are so happy and friendly... All yard owners that take careful care of their lawns are glaring in my direction.  I can live with that.
>Fresh cut grass, puppy breath, coffee, sharpies, scotch tape, newly sharpened pencils, books, J&J calming nighttime lotion, fruit stripe gum, hot blacktop mixed with rain, the nitrogen released from the ground when it rains, leather, any citrus fruit, Pepsi-immediately after you open the can, the forest, red rose tea bags- especially right when you remove the cellophane and open a new box, fresh laundry... these are some of my favorite scents.
>Otter pops and banana popsicles... like I said, I'm really just an overgrown kid.
I'm not a big food fan, but you really can't beat a well made vanilla mocha, almost anything made in my mother or grandparent's kitchen, a perfect cookie or cupcake... The way chocolate can transform something from blah to bliss.  Steak Nachos from SLR. An exquisite sandwich... Mmmmm.
>Hot cocoa... enough said.
>Kittens, puppies and babies are irresistible.
>I <3 texting... now I'm starting so sound like a teenager, so maybe I should wrap this up.

"One hundred fifty-one insights in to my soul." ;)

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