Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pet Peeves

Preface: I do not have OCD... no matter what anyone tells you or how this seems.

Pet Peeves, we all have them.  Those things that we can't stand, but don't seem to bother anyone else.  I have pet peeves, quite a few in fact.  That's what I want to talk about today... I'm sure you're all excited. If you're not, maybe you should re-evaluate your excitement priorities.
My biggest pet peeve is... gross smells.  That one is pretty self explanatory.
I despise when my hands smell like food... to the point that sometimes I don't eat certain foods because I know they will make my hands smell or because I have no way to wash them.
When I have my own house... my very own house... where I am the boss... nothing will be cooked with garlic.  Also, no bacon or sausage... I cannot abide the smell of pork cooking.  Seriously, it makes me irritable.  Then, if that weren't enough, it clings to the very air with a heavy and cloying weight that lingers for days. Ok, well, maybe if some febreze candles are lit and the fan is on and there is a cross draft pulling all that irritability out of my work space... maybe, just maybe, we can cook some bacon in the oven.
Those sizzling fajitas at mexican restaurant where they bring out the smoking plate of horror make me cringe.  You may as well throw your clothes away after someone, even across the restaurant, orders those. Yick yuck!
I also do not like the smell of bleach....  I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

Two of my other biggest pet peeves pretty much go in the same category...
a) when people think they are special because of where they are from.
b) People who have enormous pride for their state/hometown/etc... pride so enormous that they have to try and one up ANYTHING about where anyone else is from.

I have been to X town and I've been a lot of other places.  Just because you live there doesn't make it spectacular.  You don't control the weather, the vista, or make it awesome. Any part of it that is spectacular is because GOD created it.  Yeah, it might have a nice scene... but there are nice things about almost everywhere.... beauty all around, we just have to be willing to see it.  I'm sorry for this rant, this just drives me nuts!!!  Yes, I did triple exclaim!
It's like the people from Alaska who get irritated at the people from Texas because of their lone star "everything's bigger in Texas" mentality.  Then, the people from Alaska proceed to say how Alaska is X amount larger than Texas and I just want to scream... YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW BIG YOUR STATE IS!  It is not a reflection of you personally.
Live where you love and love where you live, but be willing to accept that someone lives everywhere and they like it there... it has its drawbacks, but it also has it's benefits.
You're not amazing because you're from Cali or Hawaii... You are amazing because God created you that way... just like he created everyone else that way.  So, GET OVER YOURSELF.
Ok... now that you have an insight into my irritants... I probably just lost all blog followers. ;)  (both of you).

1 comment:

  1. LOL well your last Pet Peeve/Rants also has to be on of my biggest things, irritates the snot out of me. There is BEAUTY EVERYWHERE. I have told many people this and still stick to it the people who only find negativity in things are usually the people are are the least happiest in their lives. I probably do have OCD LOL. I cannot stand when things are out of place in my house, someone else's it doesn't bother me, but my own if something is out of place/dirty/messy it makes me irritable, I do like the smell of bleach to an extent, it is nauseating when it smells like someone drenched their house in it, totally with you on the smells, I don't like the smell of cooking bacon or sausage either makes me feel like I may vomit, I do like garlic though in right quantities, I LOVE FEBREEZE, I will be sure NOT to order Fajitas around you ;-), and the one about people thinking they are so special cause of where they are from, more than that for me is when people act like they are something special because of the church they come from/or go to whatever, ;O. We all have our own pet peeves though me prob more than anyone else, its one of the things that makes us our own individual :)
